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lärp/ noun

1. a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.

“the genre we have chosen for our LARP is fantasy, also known as swords and sorcery”


This page is for those completely new to the LARP experience as a further explanation of the hobby, and how New England Style Boffer LARPs tend to operate.



...Live Action Role Play

It is role play as you take on the persona of a fictional character, reacting to and influencing events as them. It is a game as there are rules that define the Out of Game (OOG) mechanics that help structure the way interactions take place. And it is a story as there is a unique world with history and lore that you operate within to collaborate on this narrative together.



...A Real Actor Or Fighter?

You do not need to be a real actor to participate and enjoy LARPing. There is no script and no lines to memorize. As a Player you simply take on the persona of your character and interact with others and the story as it unfolds. As you play, you will develop skills in improvisational drama and watch your character grow through their many experiences.

As a Script, you play Non Player Characters (NPCs) that help progress the story, portraying the people and monsters that Players react to. Scripts are provided costuming, specific information on roles, and a set of instructions to complete. Roles include a host of different characters from villains, to merchants, to fighters, to healers. Roles can be as short as a few minutes, weekend long, or recurring throughout the campaign.

For newcomers, there are experienced people around you who are more than willing to answer any questions you may have and give you a helping hand. In addition to general game lore and rules information, you can also get help with the combat system. If you have never picked up a weapon or tossed a spell packet, there is always a first for everything.



Living Imagination of New England is in a nonprofit organization that puts on a LARP.

LIONE began in 1991. A creative group got together with a vision of a dark fantasy LARP that combined elements of intense boffer combat with conflict resolution. Players faced a world riddled with conflict and face incredible odds -- making their very survival challenging and their successes all the sweeter.

Over the years, the board of directors and the structure of the organization has changed, but one thing has remained the same — providing an immersive, challenging, and enjoyable LARP experience for its membership. While we have gone through several campaigns, there are common threads that hold them together. These threads can be found in the religious system, the metaphysics, and the game lore. Directors and writers work to weave together various stories and plot. There is something for everyone, whether you are a long time player, re‐joining the community after a hiatus, or coming for the first time.



Find the game that fits you!

Finding a game that fits you is the first part. Do you prefer fantasy? Sci-fi? Post-apocalyptic zombie tragedies? There are many genres of LARPs. Starting with genre, learning more about the world and the rules can help decide what fits best.

Review the Rules!
Check out rules and policy for the game you are interested. Make sure the game has mechanics that seem fun and engaging to you, as that is the primary tool used to interact with the stories.

Determine if you want to Script or Play!

As a Player you get to make your own character, decide their personality, create their backstory and build their skills and abilities using the rules provided by the game. You get to react to the world and the story as the character would.

As a Script you are a volunteer assigned various roles, given instructions on tasks to do, and provided the skills and abilities you will use. You help with the production of the story, assisting Players or being their obstacle.

Each has it's own benefit. Playing, you get to immerse in the experience through the eyes of the persona you created. Scripting gives you a chance to get a feel for the world and rules in a controlled way, as you are not "in-character" the entire event like when Playing.

Prepare for the live in Live-Action!
Live-Action means physically acting out the actions of your character, as either Player or Script. In general, games are played over the course of a weekend. Find our where the game is located and what accommodations it does or does not have, such as provided meals, running water, etc.

For many LARPs, you actually engage mock in combat using contact safe "boffer" weapons. Make sure to get an understanding of the safety practices in place.

Join the Community!

Many LARPs have active Social Medias. Join to get an understanding of the people and find a place that is welcoming and friendly. It's also a great way to learn more about the hobby from those that have experienced it.

© 2025 by LIONE CORP

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